Dynamic Map for Webflow – Docs
Get an overview about Dynamic Map for Webflow and how it works.
Implementing Dynamic Map
Step 1 – Install Dynamic Map App
Open Dynamic Map App via Webflow's Marketplace or open the App from within your project. Install the app in your project, log in, and start integrating your interactive map into your Webflow site.

Step 2 – Create Map
Follow the app’s step-by-step setup process. Configure your map, add features like filters and pop-ups, and tailor it to your needs.

Step 3 – Add Interactions and Map Filter
Change your Map's settings and features utilizing Dynamic Map's App's Map Settings tab. Turn on and off all desired features, add your filter and much more. Want to change something afterwards? Open Dynamic Map App and change whatever you wish to modify.

Crucial Elements and Attributes
Don't: Delete or ungroup ‘cru-ncf‘ elements
Elements that are named ‘cru-ncf‘ contain attributes that are crucial, to keep Dynamic Map working. Please do not delete them.

List of cru-ncf-elements and their attributes:
Styling Dynamic Map
You can style Dynamic Map in Webflow's Designer just like you're used to. Elements that we're manipulating to work on your live site using code, can be styled in Dynamic Map's styleguide. The styleguide is not shown on the live site.

States and Interactive Elements
Style states and interactive elements in Dynamic Map Style Guide. The Style Guide can be found right below your item list and interactive map placeholder.